Hover over ◊ where present to get pop-up comments. Red border = destroyed.
Mostly digital images with a few scans of older slides (marked ƒ).
Rollei B35 → Mamiya DSX1000 → Canon AF1 → Canon Powershot S50 → Canon Powershot Pro 1 → Panasonic DMC GH1.

Water | Sky | London Nouveau | London Deco | London Misc | London Modern | London Vintage | Paris | Corvids | Signs & Street Art



All taken from home in central London.

London Nouveau & Similar

London Deco & Neo-Classical

London Miscellaneous Buildings & Details

London Modern

London Vintage

All scanned slides from the 1970s. Those marked † are my father's.


Cimetiere Du Montparnasse


Signs & Street Art *

* what may be considered 'real' art, not the illiterate scrawling of taggers who spray everywhere with the same instinct as a dog pissing on a lamp-post.